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How I can Help you Keep it Simple . . .

  • On-site consultation to get to know you and the “day-to-day” of your operation.


  • Expert Compliance Advise on:

    • Determining dry matter demand

    • Calculating dry matter Intake

    • Timing and transitioning your herd

    • Maintaining feed records

    • Compliance and approval status of feed supplements, medical and health care materials and practices


  • Design, implementation and maintenance of solid recordkeeping systems, tailored to your operation in order to keep you in compliance with the least amount of hassle.


  • Expert hands-on help and support understanding, navigating, completing and submitting your Organic System Plan (OSP); done right the first time to avoid time consuming mistakes and to reach your certification goals quickly. 


  • On-site support preparing for and completing your inspections. 


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